Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang
Collage on canvas


collage on canvas

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Do you know what kind of patient you are?

I never thought that there were such differences in the patients that doctors have. At one end of the spectrum is the one who really wants to know every detail about what is going on (I am this kind), what is going to be happening next and "Hey! What was that medicine you just put in my IV?"
Then at the other end of the spectrum there are patients who don't want to know the details...just tell me when and where to show up, I am going to keep my eyes closed, just tell me when it's OK to open them, the doctors know what's best and so they just go along with whatever the doctors ask them to do.
I could not handle it that way...if I don't know all the details of each thing happening along the way, I tend to make things up in my mind and believe me...what comes out of there is usually the worst case scenario thing that could happen (although I am working on it).
I would like to know where you fall in the spectrum...please take a few moments and let me know...see, for me...the more information the better.
Love & Light,

My mind is sometimes overwhelming

My mind is sometimes overwhelming
collage on canvas