Yin & Yang

Yin & Yang
Collage on canvas


collage on canvas

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My first day, my first blog

Hi Everyone,

This is my first attempt at bogging...but I thought it would be a great way to keep up with everyone and show off some of my new artwork. First, I am an artist, I have been creating art for at least the last 20 years and I am still as much in love with it as I have always been. My husband of the last 17 years has always supported my art and has helped me do everything from, staying up late glazing ceramics to putting up my show booth at fairs in the pouring rain. And I am more in love with him than the day we said "I Do."

Back to my background....is this what you are supposed to do when you first set up a blog? Well, if not, skip over to my artwork. I started as a photographer, moved into ceramics and then rolled into collage and found-art, art. I hope to show you all a little bit of all my types of work, but I think I will start with my collage.

I like my artwork to make people think...good or bad, does my artwork make draw emotion? Do you feel happier because it reminded you of a special memory? Were you sad, because it connected with what you are going through? Or did it completely piss you off because you disagree with me about the way I see things? I love to use all sorts of mediums and objects in my work...from canvas, paints, sticks, rocks, metal, plastic and fabric. If I can find a glue to stick it down with or wire to attach it to something else....I do it! I will add more later, hope this is a good start.

1 comment:

My mind is sometimes overwhelming

My mind is sometimes overwhelming
collage on canvas